Saturday, July 4, 2009

This video is insane

So I know I need to update, but my friend sent me this video about a kid who got his WOW account suspended by his mother. I think its good enough for a post all by itself. I will update soon!!!

So I found another video and its just of a vent conversation...(which is what most people use to talk to each other on WOW for raiding and such)

Bahaha another video..


  1. Oh my dear sweet lord.

    This is...


    So, the first video was kind of like watching the exorcist, but to be honest, I've seen other crazy kids acting up and getting posted on youtube without world of warcraft- so it didn't surprise me so much as amuse me. Same with the third- crazy as hell people.

    But the second one? I only listened to the first two minutes of it, and it was RIDICULOUS. omg. 11 is WAY too young for WoW. I think the age limit should be at LEAST 14, if not 15, only because of the raiding aspect. Maybe WoW should have parental controls- like, no raiding or something. IDK...

    Interesting vids, though :D

  2. I echo "K" (hahaha),

    Okay that first video was pretty was almost exorcist/mental institution.

    questions (rhetorical):
    1.was dude trying to stick the remote up his butt??
    2.who get's undressed under covers??
    3.why did he go into the closet than come right out??
    4.what did he do when he walked outta that room??

    Didn't watch the second one, too long, and i'm one someones else's wireless (= slow)....
    kool post...

    so basically i'm concluding
    wow makes people crazy/exorcist type thingys.... hahahaha

  3. Videos = ridiculousness.

    I second K's rhetorical questions. Dude who tried to stick remote up his butt was pretty funny. However, it did make me think (along with other random moments) that it might have been scripted/fake.

    Either way, it made me laugh.

    P.S. When are you gonna update? Your blog = pretty cool.

  4. hahahaha he was trying to...i never noticed that before...too distracted by flailing arms..
