Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Show about WoW basically or any other online game.

Its called The Guild. There's even a music video, that I'm currently obsessed with.

Here's Episode 1..the rest are on the side. They're like 3 mins long, if that, but super hilarious.

The show's website is

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ideas for a new post.

So I have been neglecting this blog for too long and I need to get it going again.
I want to get my guild on this site to comment on anything so I can add it into the entries.

Some ideas for topics for later posts:

1. People meeting on WOW possible leading to marriage or really good friendships.
2. The mindset of girls playing and how they are treated on the game.
3. How everyone assumes girl characters are actually boys playing them. Holds true most of the time because the guy to girl player ratio.
4. Playing to temporarily escape the responsibilities of the real world.
5. How the structure of Guilds pertain to society.

I think of people comment about these pending topics I can merge them into a post with the feed back and my own experiences.

Heres an article that pertains to topic #1 that Darth found on